by Kim McCloskey | Sep 13, 2015 | Festival
“Life be not so short but that there is always time for courtesy.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Festival etiquette:
– If you think you will need to leave during a performance, sit near the back and wait for a break between storytellers to avoid disturbing those around you.
– Please follow the directions of the tent hosts.
– Turn off your cell phone, even a vibrating phone can disturb a performer.
– Please arrive in plenty of time for a performance. Any saved seats are up-for-grabs ten minutes before a performance begins.
– Please remember that our performances are spoken word performances. Talking loudly or making sounds near the performance tents disturbs the performers and audiences.
– Recording and photography are not permitted during performances.
by Kim McCloskey | Sep 8, 2015 | About Storytelling, Festival
Another storytelling festival has come to an end, and we’re left to share the stories, laughs and lessons with our family and friends. Stories offer many takeaways if you’re looking for them. Below are just a few mixed in with the lies, laughs and life lessons.
Stories Unite Us
Storytellers have a special gift of speaking to what we all have in common via their own experience, true or otherwise. Aspen Gashler, who started storytelling when she was three, was a special presenter for Utah’s Biggest Liars (contest held around April Fool’s Day). Her tall tale of convincing her little brother to get into the birthday cake because her mother had told her not to speaks to everyone who has had a forbidden escapade with a sibling.
Storytelling Transcends Time
Tim Lowry, dressed as a 18th century colonist, shared the story of the Battle of Sullivan’s island. The battle, which really did occur June 28, 1776, pitted Colonel William Moultrie and his partially completed fort against the British navy. Whether the British Admiral truly flipped his coat tails up at the colonists resulting in his pants being shot off will remain a mystery left to history.
Family Matters
Many tellers are inspired by their families. Antonio Sacre shares hilarious tales from both his Cuban and Boston sides of his family. Donald Davis reminded us that the one family member in charge of bad ideas (you know who they are) is an excellent source of wisdom if his or her stories are shared. Shonaleigh, who was amazed at the giant crowd gathered for laughin’ night (In England you tell a story and you’re lucky if two dogs, a whippet and a pigeon show up.) shared what women look for in a man. “I married you for a thousand unfathomable reasons, and that’s why I love you.”
Stories Hold Life’s Greatest Lessons
Many jewels of wisdom were shared throughout the festival. Here’s just a few:
- The dictionary is the place for answers- Antonio Sacre
- A promise is a promise – Ed Stivender
- If you learn something, that’s better than punishment- Donald Davis
- All of the museums were left open during the war, and when Winston Churchill was asked why, he said, “That’s our culture. That is what we are fighting for!” – Pippa White
- When you have dug yourself a hole and jumped in it, I just want you to remember, love conquers all. – Bill Harl

A special thanks to all who attended and volunteered! See you again next year!
To hear a Gullah storyteller, check out this YouTube video.
The Magic Orange Tree and Other Haitian Tales as shared by Jim May is available here.
See Bongo Java’s Nun Bun here and Kate Campbell’s Jesus and Tomatoes Comin’ Soon here.
by Kim McCloskey | Aug 24, 2015 | Concerts, Conferences, Festival, Story Contest

Here are some tips to help you get most out of your 2015 Timpanogos Storytelling Festival experience.
- Take a look at the program, website and blog to find out more information about the tellers and to plan your schedule for the weekend.
- Attend one of our FREE pre-festival concerts to get a preview of our amazing lineup of talented tellers and to introduce your family and friends to see what the festival has to offer. Antonio Sac
re & Tim Lowry present a Night of Stories at the Viridian Event Center on August 31, and Bill Harley and Sam Payne will be performing at Timpanogos Storytelling Festival Kickoff at The Shops at Riverwoods on September 2.
- Take a look at our amazing lineup of classes at the Timpanogos Storytelling Conference on Wednesday and Thursday, September 2-3.
- Check out Look Who’s Talking on Thursday night to get a preview of the storytellers and find a new favorite or two.
- Parents- The festival is aimed at adults, teens and older children. Younger children will enjoy Bedtime Stories and events in the puppet area. Toddlers and babies in arms are not allowed in the performance tents, so please make the proper arrangements.
- If you have ever wanted to try your hand at storytelling in front of an appreciative audience then you should go to the Adult Swappin’ Grounds or Youth Swappin’ Grounds during the lunch break on Friday and Saturday.
- Be a judge and find great new tellers at the Timp Tell Contest on Friday afternoon in the Canyon Vista tent.
- Win free great prizes through our social media contest on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram contest.
- Do you love live music? Stop in at the music tent between sessions to listen to an incredible variety of musical talent. If you love jazz, bluegrass, celtic, polka, folk, classic country, or rock’n’roll, you will find it here.

- Parking is limited at Mt. Timpanogos Park, so use one of the designated church parking lots. The shuttle service is fast and efficient and you get dropped off right at the entrance.
- Performers feed off the energy of an audience, so relax and feel free to laugh out loud, sigh, gasp, cry, clap, and participate. After all, this is not a golf match.
- We’re always looking for volunteers before, during and after the festival. Timpanogos Storytelling Institute has a year-round program and there are many ways you can get involved.
- If you have additional tips for festival-goers, please free to leave comments below.
by Kim McCloskey | Aug 14, 2015 | Featured, Festival

I have had the pleasure of listening to Tim Lowry tell stories on three occasions and yet I still sit here trying to figure out what to say about him. I could tell you that he reminds me a bit of a young Donald Davis—and not just because he has been known to wear a bowtie. But, no, it is definitely more than that!
I’ve heard Tim tell stories about family or school that had me laughing so hard that the risk of falling out of my chair was real and then, just a moment later, I was deeply touched by their love and compassion.
I’ve seen him dress in character to tell the story of a Southern gentleman—don’t run away if this is not your thing, it’s not usually my thing either. But he was so charming and full of interesting details that I was sad when the hour was up.
I’ve heard him tell a story in Gullah (also called Sea Island Creole English) that was not only a marvel of tongue twisting to behold but also warmly brought me into the fold of another culture.
I’ve even heard him tell the story using only a kazoo—it was brilliant!
Still, all that somehow falls short of what I want to express about how much entertainment and joy you are in for when you hear Tim Lowry at the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival. I guess mostly I just want to tell you that you must go see him and that when you do you are going to love him—I promise! (this promise holds no monetary value :))
And now for a few words from Tim himself:
1. At TimpFest we are very family oriented, will you tell us a little about your family?
My wife Bonnie and I have been married for 18 years and we have two adopted daughters—Libby is six years old and Bethany is 4 years old. We attend church services regularly where Bonnie sings in the choir and I teach children’s Sunday school. We love to read books! Currently, the girls’ favorite is “Abiyoyo.” A couple night’s ago we were treated to a shadow puppet play of this story. It was very exciting, especially when the giant Abiyoyo ate a frog! We also love gardening. This has been a great year for tomatoes. We just planted pumpkins and are hoping for a whopper! When weather drives us indoors from the garden, we love to dance to old fox trot records on our 1911 Victrola.
2. If you weren’t a professional storyteller, what would you be doing instead?
I’ve always said that when I retire from storytelling I want to be the chaplain for Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus. I would love to be the spiritual advisor for the Greatest Show on Earth. Ringling was my first introduction to show business and I still LOVE the circus. What a great metaphor for life—the highwire (life is all about balance), the lion tamer (life is dangerous, best to know that going in), the acrobats (strength is good, but grace is even better), and clowns (Smile! Count it all joy, and smile!).
3. Do you get nervous when you tell stories on stage? If so, what do you do to overcome your fear? If not, what is the key to your fearlessness?
Nervous? No. Although, I wouldn’t describe myself as fearless (see above comment about lion tamer). What’s the key? Knowing that the audience is human and they are cheering for you. They know you are human and they want you to do well. Be human, be honest, be real and the audience will respond to that. It’s like watching the ice skaters at the Olympics. We cheer for the USA to win, but we all groan when a Russian skater falls. Russians are humans too and we feel their pain. (Of course, we will still deduct a couple points, but nonetheless . . . )
4. What is the most embarrassing thing that you have done or has happened to you on stage?
Hmm, most embarrassing? Years ago, when I was a student in a high-stakes storytelling competition, I got tongue-tied and said “fart” in the middle of a sentence. I was purple with embarrassment. Even the judge laughed (and judges never laugh, unless a Russian falls down. Judges are not human.)
5. The BYU football team will be playing Nebraska the Saturday of the Festival. Who is your pick to win? (This is a “know your audience” moment.)
Ah, football! Southerners go to football games and funerals with equal enthusiasm. We do our best to kill each other at the former, and are polite enough to apologize for having done so at the latter. My condolences to Nebraska.
And one bonus question—because we couldn’t have a Southern gentleman come to our Festival without asking for a bit of Southern advice!
Give us your favorite piece of Southern advice.
Well, I recently was advising a “cumyeh.” (A cumyeh is a person who has just come here, as opposed to someone like me who has always been here. I am a “benyeh.”) This person, who shall remain nameless but they were from off, spotted an alligator in the river and wished they had something to feed it. I reminded them, “NEVUH feed a GATUH!” (That’s not in the Bible, but it should be.)
by Kim McCloskey | Aug 11, 2015 | Featured, Festival

If you go to this year’s festival looking for a seasoned storyteller with a rich, resonant voice who focuses on family, then Jim May is your man. I became a fan of Jim when I saw him perform with Megan Wells at the National Storytelling Festival. The story was called “Lime Vanilla Ice” from Ray Bradbury’s book Dandelion Wine and it was a wonderful performance that ended with a standing ovation. I think you are going to find his style comfortable and engaging. We asked him a few questions to help you get to know him.
1. At TimpFest we are very family oriented, will you tell us a little about your family?
Virtually everything I do is rooted in family. I come from a large farming family that has roots in the same small Illinois town of Spring Grove, Illinois, since the 1840’s. My wife, Nan, and I live about twenty minutes from there now and our grandchildren live in the Spring Grove School district as well. I was founding artistic director of the Illinois Storytelling Festival for twenty years. We held the festival in the Spring Grove village park behind my mom’s house. My cousin was our business manager.
I tell stories about my family (especially my granddaughters), and many family members and elders told at our festival at a venue called the “Elder’s Tent,” or “Traditions Tent”—where we featured “kitchen table,” type storytelling—stories told by ordinary folks who had led interesting lives. To this day I don’t think there is a similar stage at any festival in America. Our festival, though it drew 2000-3000 each year is no more. There are several elders circles that meet monthly for people to share their life stories still functioning as one legacy of our festival. The other is our organization, Illinois Storytelling, Inc which sponsors smaller events all over the Chicago land area. I’m best known on the festival circuit for my family stories. One of them, “A Bell For Shorty,” which is a tribute to my father who farmed his whole life, won an EMMY award on Chicago Public Television and is the last story in my book of family stories (THE FARM ON NIPPERSINK CREEK), which won a Public Library Association “Best Book” award.
I’m best known in Chicago land for my presentations to children and families. I am a former elementary school teacher and community college counselor; In my 35yrs of visiting schools and doing family reading nights, literacy nights, etc, I estimate that I have told stories live to about one million children and their families, not including radio and tv appearances. A teacher once referred to my as “a professional grandfather.” I can’t think of a better job title.
I lead an annual workshop to Oaxaca, Mexico every year. We work on stories in the morning and do cultural tours in the afternoon in Oaxaca, a Spanish Colonial city (UNESCO Heritage Site) that the New York Times calls: “The folk art capital of Mexico.” One of the things I do in my workshop/retreat is encourage my adult students to write “legacy letters” to their grandchildren.
I love telling to families and am thrilled that I hear the Timp audience is multi-generational! Congratulations!
2. If you weren’t a professional storyteller, what would you be doing instead?
A teacher. No question. I consider my self a teacher though I left my teaching/counseling job to go full time as a storyteller in 1986.
3. Do you get nervous when you tell stories on stage? If so, what do you do to overcome your fear? If not, what is the key to your fearlessness?
It’s a good nervous, excited really. I try to emulate what Chicago Cubs manager, Joe Maddon, tells his young players, “Don’t let the pressure interfere with the pleasure.”
4. What is the most embarrassing thing that you have done or has happened to you on stage?
I guess it was the Heath Candy Bar festival in Heath, Illinois where I led off first thing in the early morning and there was no one in the audience. I thought—if Miss Indiana (who went on before me) could sing the Star Spangled Banner to “no one” then I should be able to tell a story to “no one”—but singing to yourself is easier than telling a story to yourself (Only storytellers tell themselves stories in the shower).
5. The BYU football team will be playing Nebraska the Saturday of the Festival. Who is your pick to win? (This is a “know your audience” moment.)
This is a split since I am a Big Ten fan and Nebraska is in the Big Ten. But, Jim McMahon took the Chicago Bears to the Super Bowl championship in 1985 and was a star at BYU so I WILL CALL THIS A DRAW.
by Kim McCloskey | Aug 1, 2014 | About Storytelling, Benefits of Storytelling, Festival, How To

Rev up your appetite for the upcoming Festival with some films that celebrate storytelling. At the end of this article is a list of movies that pay homage to the art of oral storytelling. If you want to find out about upcoming movies and get scholarly with your study of film and storytelling, read on. If you would rather just look through the movie list, skip forward. Either way, enjoy the celebration, and we’ll see you at the Festival!
Story as performance art began with oral storytelling, which is still the most immediate, intimate and communal form of conveying stories. But storytelling has branched out to include many genres such as dance, music, visual art, theater, commercials, video games, and film. Many of these genres have embraced and celebrated the elements of the traditional story such as the archetypes, story arcs and themes that we see in our fairytales and folktales.
In fact, the film industry has had an obsession with fairytales in the last few years. Not only have we seen animated movies such a “Frozen”, “Tangled”, and “Brave”, but also live-action adaptations such as “Snow White and the Huntsman”, “Mirror Mirror”, and “Maleficent”. And the trend will continue with films that are in production, including “Into the Woods” starring Meryl Streep and Johnny Depp due out at Christmas, and a new Disney version of “Cinderella” directed by Kenneth Branagh and starring Cate Blanchett and Helena Bonham Carter due out in 2015.
While some films adapt familiar fairy tales, others are based on original fairy tales such as “Shrek”, “How to Train Your Dragon”, “Ladyhawke”, and “Willow.” And others draw upon storytelling motifs. “The Croods” is a retelling of the Greek legend of Prometheus. Arguably, some of our most epic fantasy films such as “Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit”, and the sci-fi fantasy “Star Wars” draw from elements of fairy tales, folktales, myths and legends. J.R.R. Tolkien once said that “The Hobbit” was inspired by Grimm’s “Snow White” (1) and it can be argued that the story is basically a retelling of the Old English poem Beowolf. “Star Wars”, in turn, draws upon mythological elements such as oracles, prophesies and mentorship.
Not only do many films borrow from classic story elements and archetypes, but many also pay tribute to the art of oral storytelling itself. In “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1” there is an animated sequence where Hermione is reading aloud an old and familiar fairy tale told to wizard children. While she reads, the scene is brought to life with shadow puppets. This story within a story serves not only to explain the origins of the Deathly Hallows, but is also a stunning reminder of the beauty of story. J.K. Rowling once stated that this folktale was inspired by The Pardoner’s Tale of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.(2 ) In an interview published in the LA Times on January 28, 2011, animation director Ben Hibson explained, “In a moment that takes our central characters to a world of ancient fables, the titular tale of the Three Brothers, found in the book ‘The Tales of Beedle the Bard,’ has an eerie undertone, reminiscent of the timeless Grimms’ fairy tales, which I found particularly relevant for us.” (3)
Our tradition of oral storytelling and our literary canon has created the platform in which modern film makers can build their craft. Let’s look at some of the family friendly films that pay homage to this tradition. Perhaps you will find one to peak your interest and get you excited about the Festival coming up at the end of this month.
10 films that celebrate the art of storytelling:
10 films that celebrate classic fairytales and folktales:
Multiple movies based on a single fairy tale:
Is your favorite storytelling movie on the list? Tell us about it.
1 Tolkien, J. R. R. (2003) [1937]. Anderson, Douglas A., ed. The Annotated Hobbit. London: HarperCollins. ISBN 0-00-713727-3.
3 Bloomsbury Online Chat, Retrieved 30 July 2014.