TimpChat Blog

The Truth Makes the Best Story
Randy Evensen’s favorite storytelling audience is his grandchildren—especially when they're around a campfire. And, since his retirement from teaching first and second grades, he's been telling stories at local elementary schools every week. He loves that. “It’s just...
Get to Know Don White
I’m interested in putting stories into the world through as many genres as possible. Whether I am singing or telling, being funny or serious, speaking plainly or poetically, I am always trying to serve the story so that it will find as many ears and hearts as possible… Of what earthly good is a story without an ear to receive it, without a mind to be challenged by it, without a sense of wonder to marvel at it and, most importantly, without an open heart to possibly see the world differently after being moved by it?
Andy Hedges, Cowboy Poet and Songster
Andy Hedges is new to the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival this year, so we asked him to introduce himself and his Texas brand of cowboy storytelling.
Introducing Simon Brooks
One of the new featured tellers at the festival is Simon Brooks. He is here to help us celebrate our 30th anniversary and we’ve asked him to tell us a little about himself.
Bil Lepp – Telling It Like It Is
Whether you are telling ancient stories, traditional stories, serious stories, true stories or tall-tales, you are talking to people of all ages. When you get everybody from the grandchild to the grandparent laughing, or otherwise engaged in your tale, you are spanning generations and and uniting the feelings and memories of everyone involved. In that way, you are spanning time. If you have a 9 year old, a 45 year old, and a 95 year old simultaneously remembering when they were each 7 years old you have breached the space time continuum: you have three people- or 3000 people- actively reliving and reveling in separate events that happened decades apart but are happening all over again in the present moment. That’s pretty timeless. As for timely, if stories didn’t teach timely and timeless values they wouldn’t still be being told 1000s of years after they were created. If you see trouble, and you know it’s trouble, don’t pick it up! is a message as timely now as it was then.
Three Questions for Anne Rutherford
Anne Rutherford is another new featured teller at this year’s Timpanogos Storytelling Festival. We’ve asked her three questions to help us get to know her and her alter-ego, the wild-west adventurer Clementine Ryder.
An interview with Sheila Starks Phillips
Sheila Stark Phillips, storyteller, author, musician, Texan and former zoo keeper has returned this year to help us celebrate our 30th Anniversary. Here she shares with us some of her memories of the festival, gives advice to new storytellers and shares her thoughts on the timelessness of storytelling.
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