by Timpanogos | Apr 30, 2014 | About Storytelling
The Timpanogos Storytelling Festival in co-sponsorship with the Utah Valley Symphony, will be presenting The Story of Scheherazade, narrated by Charlotte Blake Alston on Wednesday and Thursday, April 30-May 1, 2014.
These stories, often called the Thousand and One Arabian Nights, were told by Scheherazade, a princess who told her husband these stories each night in order to prevent herself from being executed. With the soul-stirring music of Rimsky-Korsakov as a setting, Ms. Alston narrates these stories, myths, and fables from ancient Persia, Arabia, Egypt, India, and Mesopotamia, and makes them come alive in your imagination. The music will further paint a picture of the exotic settings of these stories, as the narrator spins the imaginative tales.

A favorite at the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival, Charlotte Blake Alston is an award-winning artist who has also performed on some of the nation’s most prestigious stages including the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and the Smithsonian Institution. With her gift for characterization, she breathes life into these traditional and contemporary tales.
The concert will be held at the Covey Center for the Arts, 425 West Center St., Provo. The event is funded by a grant from OnStage in Utah through the Utah Division of Arts and Museums. For tickets go to or call the Covey Center box office at 801-852-7007.
by Timpanogos | Dec 17, 2013 | About Storytelling

Greetings! We hope you are enjoying a lovely frosty winter and keeping warm!
The holiday season is a time for stories. With traditions, people, and places we love, there are so many memories to be discovered and stories to be shared. Throughout the month we have been posting a story prompt to open a door into your memory. Please feel free to share your comments here, but more importantly, share them with someone you love.
These story prompts can be incorporated into your family dinnertime, special parties, and holiday travel. The prompts follow the same pattern as Donald Davis teaches at his retreat – about people, places, and happenings. See a glimpse of what is being shared.
> Can you remember a time when you went sledding and it didn’t go quite right?
> What is a favorite gift you have received? Who gave it to you?
> Tell about a time when you were traveling but did not get where you intended to go.
> Can you remember a time when someone got sick during the holidays?
> Can you remember a holiday party you didn’t want to go to in the first place?
> Tell about a time when your photo with Santa didn’t turn out as jolly as you hoped.
> What is the first Christmas morning you remember?
> Can you remember a time when a special holiday meal when terribly wrong?
> Tell about a time when you learned from a child about the special meaning of the holidays.
> Describe a day when school got cancelled due to the snow. What happened?
> Tell about a gift that you really wanted, but your sibling got instead.
> Describe a relatives’ home you visited during the holidays.
> Tell about the quickest way to get on Santa’s “naughty” list at your house.
> Tell about a snowball fight you once had or a snowman you made.
> Tell about the person you will miss the most this holiday season.
> Tell about how you discovered or found out about the real Santa Claus.
> Can you remember a time when you opened a gift when you weren’t supposed to?
> What is the most creative gift you have ever given?
> Do you follow a certain tradition from the land of your ancestry?
> Tell about the first time when you could not be home during the holidays.
> Can you take us back home with you for a childhood holiday meal?
> Can you remember a holiday you would like to live over again?
> Tell us about a time when you were playing and someone got hurt or something got broken.
> Tell about a special place you like to go to see holiday lights or decorations.
> Tell about a holiday shopping trip with your mother or other family member.
> What smell reminds you most of the holidays and why?
by Timpanogos | Aug 16, 2013 | About Storytelling
Welcome! If you are viewing this, welcome to the family of the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival! We have so much to share with you!
It has long been our desire from the beginning to make information about the power of storytelling more widely available. This new website and blog will help us connect across the miles and in our own neighborhoods.
Let us introduce you to the new website:
- NATIONAL EVENTS CALENDAR – Storytelling is an oral performing art, and one of the best ways to experience storytelling is by attending a festival, workshop, or other story event. We know amazing things are happening all across the country. We welcome all storytelling festivals and events to be scheduled here.
- STORYTELLING – Do you have a story to share? This is a place to preserve stories: personal, family, historical, funny, etc. As you discover and record your own stories, this is an ideal way to share them. They don’t have to be long or of huge import to be shared. We want to hear from you. Also in the story collection you will find information about the benefits of storytelling, what it is and how to do it. In addition, we provide an ongoing and updated list of storytellers and how to reach then. We offer a glimpse at their schedules so you can see what they are up to and where they will be.
- MARKETPLACE – We provide a marketplace of items and resources for anyone interested in storytelling. It’s the perfect place for the beginning storyteller, the hobbyist, and for the parent looking for good entertainment. We also sell Festival merchandise and artwork.
- TICKETS – When it all comes down to it, we host the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival, the Timpanogos Storytelling Conference, and many other events, workshops, and retreats throughout the year. This is the place to buy your tickets.
- BLOG – Let’s chat! Let’s chat about Timpanogos Storytelling – let’s “Timp chat!” Come to the blog often to see what is happening as we prepare for the Festival which is in just a couple weeks. We will have insider information about the storytellers and tips and tricks to having the best experience at the Festival. Come back again and again for fresh new information and insights about storytelling throughout the year.
- GET INVOLVED – Information about how to volunteer, donate, and sponsor are also available. In addition, this is where you share your story with others and how to contact us.
Again, welcome. This website is truly for you, if you have ever:
- been asked to tell a ghost story at a scout camp
- had your children plead for a story at bedtime
- had to speak in front of a large audience
- tried to recall or write your own family stories
- interviewed for a job you really wanted to land
- stepped in as a substitute with a thirty students to teach
- lead your team to reach a workplace goal
- sell a product or service
- introduce yourself to someone new
- or any number of other situations in which you needed to communicate with people
Yes, this website is for you! Check it out, and we’ll see you at the Festival!