by timpfest | Aug 17, 2021
Eve Simone Cowan is 8 years old from Highland, Utah. She told for her school’s storytelling competition for three years. Eve and Molly Lou are one and the same: friendly, fearless and funny! They are proud of who they are, family is important and loved ones can help navigate the world they live in. Eve is the epitome of wise words from Molly Lou’s grandma, “Smile big and the world will smile right alongside you! SO SHE DID!”
by timpfest | Aug 17, 2021
Elizabeth and Genevieve have been avid readers and storytellers since early elementary school. This is their first time telling tandem, and they are having so much fun with it, they’re wondering why they didn’t try it sooner. However, they don’t do everything together. Outside of storytelling, Elizabeth is usually involved with musical theater, and Genevieve is always playing her harp or flute.
by timpfest | Aug 17, 2021
Eli is a 5th grader in Utah. From an early age he has used his imagination in creating stories and games. He is an avid reader & loves science, especially chemistry and marine biology. He wants to be a scientist when he grows up. He enjoyed participating in his school’s storytelling competition and is excited to participate as a NYS teller where his two little sisters will be cheering him on.
by timpfest | Aug 17, 2021
Chloe is from Eagle Mountain, Utah, and will be starting 7th grade in Fall 2021. She enjoys spending time with friends and family, playing piano, practicing beauty and gore makeup looks, doing ALL the crafts, and telling stories. Chloe is honored to be a National Youth Storytelling storyteller and looks forward to performing her story and hearing all the other NYS tellers.
by timpfest | Aug 17, 2021
Caleb is an avid reader, and can often be found reading books to his three younger siblings. Some of his hobbies include playing the piano, baking desserts, and playing video games. He loves to tell stories and is very excited to be telling his original story.