Timpanogos Storytelling Conference – 2019
Interested in learning more about storytelling? Come and learn about the traditional art of oral storytelling from some of the most accomplished storytellers in the world. The 2019 Timpanogos Storytelling Conference is held the day before the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival, allowing attendees to participate in the Conference on Thursday and enjoy the Festival on Friday and Saturday (separate ticket required). The Conference runs from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm on Thursday, September 5, 2019.
Conference presenters Simon Brooks, Motoko, Barbara McBride-Smith, MaryAnn Blue, Robin Bady, Tim Lowry, Don White, Jan Smith, and Antonio Rocha will instruct and inspire attendees through informative and entertaining keynotes and workshops.
Held in the Ashton Garden Visitor Center, Thanksgiving Point