Festival is Live and Online Again this Year
LEHI—This year’s storytelling festival—the 2022 Timpanogos Storytelling Festival—welcomes Ed Stivender as its Master of Ceremonies, along with live audiences, new tellers, and popular favorites. Stivender, described by some as the “Robin Williams” of storytelling,...
How to Become an Infamous Liar
I was late posting this article because I had a drip in my bathtub, which turned into a gush that filled my tub and spilled out into hallway. Before I could reach the water main the whole basement was flooded and I had to swim with the pipe wrench in my mouth down to the valve. The valve was stuck tight and I couldn’t turn it, so I swam up for air and was washed out into the yard, down the gutter and into the Provo River. Eventually my husband picked me up in our ski boat while I was bobbing in Utah Lake with the pipe wrench still in my mouth.
The Story of Scheherazade
In co-sponsorship with the Utah Valley Symphony, we will be presenting The Story of Scheherazade, narrated by Charlotte Blake Alston on April 30-May 1, 2014. These stories, often called the Thousand and One Arabian Nights, were told by Scheherazade, a fictional princess who told her husband these stories each night in order to prevent herself from being executed. With the soul-stirring music of Rimsky-Korsakov as a setting, this will be a memorable and enriching experience.
Welcome! A Short Prep on this Year’s Conference
Welcome to this year’s Timpanogos Storytelling Conference at the Provo Marriott Hotel & Conference Center. We are so pleased that you are joining us! I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the Conference Center located at 101 West 100 North in Provo, Utah. Please plan on parking in the Marriott Parking Garage . . .
Storytelling and Sochi
I’m watching the Olympics as I write this, speed skating to be exact. What I love most about the games is not the competition, or even watching athletes push themselves to accomplish amazing feats of strength, dexterity and endurance. What I love are the stories in all their varieties, the quests for personal triumph, the journeys of self-mastery, stories of redemption, the tragedies . . .
Timpanogos Storytelling Conference
Hello friends! If you haven’t had the opportunity to attend the Timpanogos Storytelling Conference, let me tell you, it is a treat. Imagine sitting with some of your favorite storytellers from the summer festival and getting to know them on a whole new level while learning the secrets of their craft. I had the opportunity to attend a series of workshops in August 2012 and . . .
Holiday Story Prompts – Do You Remember When?
The holiday season is a time for stories. With traditions, people, and places we love, there are so many memories to be discovered and stories to be shared. Throughout the month we have been posting a story prompt to open a door into your memory. Please feel free to share your comments here, but more importantly, share them with someone you love.