Nestor Gomez is a GrandSLAMMER
Nestor Gomez has faced a variety of mighty challenges in his life—including having to deal with a stuttering problem. He used to be afraid to speak up in public. So, when people hear he has won 66 Moth SLAMS (a storytelling contest that requires quick thinking and...
Admit It! You Love Storytelling, We All Do!
If you’ve never had the opportunity to experience professional storytelling (as in the oral tradition of storytelling; J.J. Abrams doesn’t count here), the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival has everything you love about your favorite movie, book, cave painting, etc., and puts it into the heart and mind of the audience.
Storytelling at a Writer’s Conference
We are a storytelling people. Humans have been doing it since the dawn of time, and while there are plenty of other storytelling mediums around these days, oral storytelling is seeped in history, tradition, and the ability to captivate the listener in a way no other medium can.
Timpanogos Storytelling Goes Back to School
When did you first catch the storytelling bug? Can you remember the first time you were charmed as a professional teller spun a captivating tale? For more than 154,000 Utah students, their first taste of the storyteller’s art has happened in their very own school.
The Healing Power of Stories- Whole, Broken, Bent or Healing
In the stories that we tell and the stories we seek out we can look for truth as well as hope.
Building Your Personal Story
“It’s like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.”
― Patrick Rothfuss, Who are you building out of the story in your head?
3 Storytelling Tips for Teachers
The key to making any lesson go from interesting to memorable is a story. A carefully chosen, well-timed story can help a student understand and remember the lesson, and – more importantly- understand how to apply the lesson to their lives. Researchers have found that a human brain can retain more information if it is given in story form then if it is given through a list. . .