Donald Davis Returns to the 33rd Timpanogos Storytelling Festival!
Donald Davis is not only a seasoned and beloved storyteller at festivals across the country (including the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival since its second year), he entertains audiences with apparent ease and he’s sensitive to stuffed animals. When Willy Claflin was...
How to Prepare Students for Assemblies with Storytellers
There are many benefits to having a professional storyteller visit your school. Storytelling helps students develop listening skills. Stories are the building blocks of imagination, stories teach character, and storytelling can foster the desire to read independently.
An Insider’s Guide to the Festival
Here are some tips to help you get most out of your 2014 Timpanogos Storytelling Festival experience.
The Benefits of Live Storytelling: Why You Should Attend This Year’s Festival
The Festival is only two weeks away and the hundreds of volunteers behind the scenes are busy getting last minute logistical details worked out. It’s a big project which requires a lot of coordination, but every year for the last 25 years it all seems to work itself out. The storytellers arrive, the audience gets settled in and then the magic happens- imaginations are fired up, the energy of the crowd becomes palpable, and memories are brought to life.
Preserving the Life Story of a Loved One
A couple days ago I was listening to a story by Dolores Hydock called Occam’s Razor on the radio program The Apple Seed . The story is about how blessed she was after her mother’s diagnosis of cancer. It really struck home with me because we had recently dealt with the death of a loved one due to cancer and had also felt the blessings in disguise that had come from that experience. Even though our family has lost a beloved grandfather, we know that he can live on in the stories that we pass along to our children and grandchildren. Writing those stories down and retelling them orally is an important part of keeping his legacy alive.
Films that celebrate storytelling
Rev up your appetite for the upcoming Festival with some films that celebrate storytelling. At the end of this article is a list of movies that pay homage to the art of oral storytelling. If you want to read about upcoming movies and get scholarly with your study of film and storytelling, read on. If you would rather just look through the movie list, skip forward. Either way, enjoy the celebration, and we’ll see you at the Festival!
Spider Fest “Get Inspidered”- on Antelope Island
Are you a storyteller who has a spider-themed story to tell, or do you know one? The Timpanogos Storytelling Institute would like to make you aware of the Spider Fest to be held August 9th on Antelope Island. We’re passing along this letter from Justina Parsons-Bernstein, the coordinator of the Festival.