Elliott Celebrates Nature Through His Stories
Doug Elliott says he tells stories because he’s celebrating nature. Stories just evolve from that, he believes. His stories are organic and unique and are usually told (or sung) to the harmonica. Originally from Maryland, Doug has made his living for years as a...
Scera Shell Outdoor Theater faqs
Faqs about the Scera Shell venue.
5 Questions for Kate Campbell
A great southern writer Eudora Welty once said, “Southerners love a good tale. They are born reciters, great memory retainers, diary keepers, letter exchangers . . . great talkers” and it’s clear that Kate Campbell loves a good tale.
Listening Takes Practice pt. 2 – Listen with Love
We are surrounded by stories in our lives. How can we listen with love to those we care about?
Listening Takes Practice- Favorite Storytelling Podcasts
If you want to get more out of your storytelling festival experience, whether as a festival attendee or as a performer, practice listening.
Bil Lepp is coming!
We’re busy, busy, busy! The Timpanogos Storytelling Institute offers storytelling concerts, workshops, contests and school programs, not only during our annual festival, but throughout the year. Recent events have included the Utah’s Biggest Liar Contest, and concerts by Charlotte Blake Alston, Kim Weitcamp, Donald Davis and Steffani Raff.
Our current offering is a Bil Lepp telling tall tales at the Thanksgiving Point Gardens on May 4.
No journal? All is not lost!
So, you want to build a story from personal experiences but you didn’t keep a journal? All is not lost. Categorical memory triggers, or journal prompts can help you remember and rebuild past events and moments.